Mickey Strand aka Da Chief
Mickey is a portrait and product photographer who retired as a Navy Chief Photographer (PHC) after serving for 24 years.
He is currently traveling, shooting, and occasionally teaching for Maine Media Workshops, and West Palm Beach Photo Centre.
His photography career started early in the basement darkroom of his parents' home in Racine, Wi. where his father fostered in him the love of the craft. In high school, he began his photography education through classes, the yearbook, and staff photographer of the school newspaper.
In the Navy, Mickey served as a Naval Photographersmate on the USS Ranger, the USS Long Beach, NAS Miramar, and the USS Constellation. He was then selected to teach the Digital Multimedia Course at the Defense Information School (DINFOS) in Maryland. Here he co-wrote the advanced course, which continues today to educate our nation DOD photographers. He retired from active service as the Leading Chief of Navy Combat Camera Group Pacific in San Deigo Ca.
Portrait Projects:
Mickey's big projects include:
World War II Veteran's Portrait Series. On Veteran's Day 2019 he hung 86 24x30" prints in the Museum at the Photo Centre of Palm Beach Fl celebrating Veteran's Day. Mickey continues this project with over 100 veterans displayed who at one time signed the bottom line to serve our country.
Google completed a 360 gallery view of the museum with the show featured. Mickey is currently exploring a book for the project and continues to collect images and stories of WWII Veterans.
Beyond the Cut Portrait project. For the last 5 years, Mickey has captured Bikers in the studio and on location providing a genuine look into the personalities and human being behind the big bad biker image portrayed by the general media and LE community. He has presented this work in 3 print shows at Nelson Photo in San Diego, Ca as the featured photographer. The project was recently featured in the magazine Quick Throttle with a 4-page spread and online gallery.
Mickey continues to be the Area Director for the Help-Portrait San Diego. This project brings portraits to folks who usually can't afford to come into the studio. He and over a dozen photographers and helpers offer portraits to the community at Veterans Village of San Diego, a substance abuse treatment center getting Veterans off the streets and on to a healthier life.

What's happening with Mickey
- I was asked to sit on a panel for an episode of [ Depth-of-Field ] -
Life after Military Visual Journalism
Around the Lens is a weekly round table discussion show dedicated to news, topics, and gear related to photojournalism, broadcast journalism, documentary filmmaking, and visual journalism.